Taking risks, staging 表演

跳舞, 戏剧, and music encourage Nightingale students to take risks and embrace new, 创意方向. 学生们学习演奏乐器, 创作的音乐剧, and choreograph dances during their time in the Schoolhouse. Ample opportunities exist to perform in ensembles or as soloists, and trips to cultural institutions allow students to experience performing arts by artists at the height of their craft.



一个周期一次, each 较低的学校 class comes together in the Black Box Theater to dance, 表演民间故事, 写歌, 特别是一起唱歌. Students playfully fill the space with voice, movement, experimentation, and artistry. With portions of the repertoire performed in Spanish, and the support of teachers and musical accompaniment, SING builds more than confidence; it builds community.

Students playfully fill the space with voice, movement, experimentation, and artistry.


The 较低的学校 brings abundant joy to the stage in the form of yearly concerts, 表演, 每周集会. The December Winter Concert is a primer for the choral program and lets students display their passions and talents early on. Students use their best vocal techniques as they proudly and confidently sing standing on risers while lifting their voices.

Students use their best vocal techniques as they proudly and confidently sing standing on risers while lifting their voices.



Nightingale’s four-year music composition track is one-of-a-kind. Students write their own scores, adapt fairytales into operas, and turn favorite books into musicals. Students are given the freedom to explore musical interests with string instruments and guitar in ways that reinforce technique and improve musical literacy. From open mics to choreographed 表演, students have a plethora of opportunities to perform and share their inspired original works with the school community.

When students enter 中学, they are given the opportunity to personalize their academic study of music by choosing one of three tracks: strings, guitar, or composition. 通过给学生这个 agency over their course of study, their buy-in is inherently higher, which leads to stronger and happier creatives overall.


A dance track was created at Nightingale to give every student the experience of having movement in their day. 跳舞 is required in Classes K-VI but becomes a more personal choice in Classes VII and VIII. Here, students specialize and start to explore dance in more depth. A dance track in 中学 allows dedicated dancers to do more of what they love and readies them for higher levels of instruction.

A dance track in 中学 allows dedicated dancers to do more of what they love and readies them for higher levels of instruction.



Repeating lines and choreography over and over requires technique and concentration, and is rarely glamorous; yet, these are the moments Nightingale students will remember about their study of theater arts. 协作是这里的基础. Regardless of phenomenal fall plays or full-scale spring musicals, what matters to the students is not the final production, 但要做到这一点需要什么.

上学校 students have the opportunity to participate in two theater 表演 per school year: the fall play and spring musical.


Nightingale is very much a singing school, and not just in the halls and classrooms or on the rooftop. 乐团比比皆是. Singers can participate in 上学校 Chorus, 室合唱, 福音唱诗班, and a student-run award-winning a cappella group. Finding a balance between creative and joyful, 知性严谨, Nightingale’s singers become fluent in music and flourish from that knowledge as much as their voices do.

室合唱, 每年由14-20名成员组成, performs a variety of repertoire that includes Renaissance, 巴洛克式的, 当代古典, 还有爵士声乐作品. 去年, the group received a Gold Rating with Distinction at the New York State School Music Association Choral Festival.